Temporary Membership Sign-up
About Our Memberships
The American Brittany Club, Inc. is a member club of the American Kennel Club.
The Club is composed of many Regional Clubs located from coast to coast. Most hold a licensed AKC field trial for championship points in the spring and fall seasons. Many hold a Specialty (conformation) Show and Hunt Tests. Regional Clubs are encouraged to have meetings to form relationships and to encourage each other with their Brittanys, discuss the past, present, and future of the breed, and help with ideas at a local, regional, and National level. Some clubs are more active than others and host annual awards, fun days, training days, fun trials, grooming seminars, and social get-togethers.
Active (Full) membership in one of the Regional Clubs carries an automatic membership in the American Brittany Club and will entitle you to the monthly magazine, The American Brittany. Associate Membership is available if person is an Active (Full) member of a Regional Club or immediate family member of an Active (Full) member. Active (Full) Membership cost is $50.00 per year and $5.00 per year for each Associate Member. Regional Clubs may charge higher dues. You may apply to join the Regional Club located nearest to you, or if there is none in your area, you may become a Member-at-Large of the American Brittany Club. Joining a Regional Club will afford you with the most opportunities for interaction with other Brittany owners.
We are asking members to give a gift membership to a puppy purchaser, a friend or acquaintance who has a Brittany. All of us encounter people who may just need a little encouragement to become members.
Locating a regional club
A complete list of the regional clubs can be found on the ABC website under the “Inside ABC” link by clicking the “Regional Club Secretaries” sub-link, Or by clicking the button below.

Individual Membership Application
(New or Renewal)
**This is for Individuals submitting their membership request
(new or renewal) in the American Brittany Club.
Pay online with Credit Card
This has been temporarily disconnected, however, online payment will be will be back up and available soon!
Pay by Check or Credit Card through US Mail
[ PDF form ] or [ MSWord form ]
To change Membership information (address, phone, email, or regional club)
Contact ABC Membership Data Chair at: abcmemberships@yahoo.com