Magazine Rates & Info

ABC Magazine Chair

Sandy Malloy
Click To eMail

Magazine Publisher

Think Big Marketing, LLC
Bonnie Hill

Click To eMail

ABC Membership Data Chair

Deb Rudert
Click To eMail

Bulletin Board

Magazine Submit Deadlines:

January Issue – December 1
February Issue – January 1
March Issue – February 1
April Issue – March 1
May Issue – April 1
June Issue – May 1
July Issue – June 1
August Issue – July 1
September Issue – August 1
October Issue – September 1
November Issue – October 1
December Issue – November 1

Send Advertisements, Articles and Photos to:

Magazine Publisher
Think Big Marketing, LLC
Bonnie Hill
Click To eMail


First Class Postage: $75.00 per year
Second Class Postage: $50.00 per year
CANADA: $95.00 per year
Please contact the American Brittany Club for rates to other countries
SINGLE COPIES: $4.00 per copy

The top line of the mailing label shows the LAST ISSUE Member will receive. To avoid missed issues, membership renewals should be sent at least 45 days prior to the 1st of that month (example: renew by Dec. 15 to ensure delivery of Feb. issue). Regional Club Members may pay their Regional Club Secretary or send payment directly to the ABC Membership Data Chair. At-Large Members pay ABC Membership Data Chair directly. You may pay for 1, 2, or 3 yrs. Visa and MasterCard are accepted.
Send address changes to The American Brittany Club, P.O. Box 503, Orefield, PA 18069. Magazines are mailed via secondclass postage, which is not forwarded in most instances. Address changes must be received by the deadline dates (see above) to be effective.


Advertising deadline is the first of the month prior to the issue you are advertising in. Advertisements should be sent directly to the Magazine Publisher at


Breeders, Kennels, At Stud, Trainers & Handlers are $60 per year for a standard ad (6 lines). Additions, changes, and renewals can be made, when received by the closing date of current issue in production.

Show Case:

Display your winner for $60. Ad size (including copy and photo) not to exceed 1/2 page. Ad is available in black and white only. Dogs completing a dual championship will be featured free (send confirmation of titles).

Stake Out:

Rate: $10.00 Maximum 40 words, 25¢ per additional word

Display Advertising Color Black&White
Full page $260 $120
1/2 page $180 $70
1/4 page $120 $50
1/8 page $80 $30
Inside Cover pages (front & back, when available) $260 –
Back Cover (when available) $260 –
10% Discount for 6 months paid in advance on all display ads
25% Discount for 12 months paid in advance on all display ads

All ads for stud dogs or dogs for sale must show OFA or Penn HIP status if over 2 years of age. OFA (number or grade) or Penn HIP (distraction index). Ads for puppies or dogs under 2 years of age must show OFA or Penn HIP status of both parents. If the Hip evaluation is not available at the time of publication the advertisement will not be published. The American Brittany Club assumes no responsibility for the truthfulness of claims by advertisers.
Payment must accompany all advertising orders.

To purchase extra magazines:
ABC Magazine Chair

Sandy Malloy
Click To eMail


Accessing Reports

Reports and $2.00 per starter should be sent within 10 days to ABC Statistician. Reports published in the order they are received. Electronic reports are suggested in .doc, .rtf or .txt format. Show: BOB picture free, additional photos $10 each, all photos paid for are kept on file for future use at the discretion of the Editor. Show reports should be sent in the form of a marked catalog. No report held more than 2 months for pictures. Reports that are not legible may be returned. Magazine Publisher is not responsible for errors in illegible reports.


Specially written articles as contributions are desired.

All rights reserved, 2023. Written permission must be obtained from the American Brittany Magazine to reprint any part of this publication. Any errors or omissions in ads or editorial matter will be corrected in the next issue of the American Brittany Magazine. Views expressed herein are not necessarily those of the publication; American Brittany Club, Inc.; its Officers or Directors. We reserve the right to edit for space considerations on all submissions.