ABC Futurity Winners
Nominating a dog for the ABC Futurity
by Judy Robin
The American Brittany Club Futurities are Field Stakes and Shows established to showcase the breeding programs of Brittany breeders throughout the Country.
Brittany Breeders, who must be members of the ABC, nominate their litters with the Futurity Nomination Secretary within 30 days of whelping. The nomination application is available in the American Brittany Magazine, and can also be downloaded on the ABC website. Puppies from a nominated litter are then eligible to compete in the Field, and Show Futurities held in the year that they turn 2 years old, provided a final forfeit fee has been paid by the owner.
Example: A puppy born in 2006, it would be eligible to run/show in 2008.
The Final Forfeit/Running Secretary will supply Breeders with the paperwork and instructions for the new puppy owners so that they can pay the Final Forfeit. It is the breeder’s responsibility to insure that owners receive this paperwork before the October 1st deadline of the Final Forfeit.
Owners will have the option of competing in 1, 2, or all 3 Regional Futurities (East, Central & West). Once the final forfeit(s) have been paid, the Final Forfeit/Running Secretary will mail an entry form for the appropriate Regional Futurity Field/Show events.
The ABC Futurity
by Ella Conable
The American Brittany Club Futurity – a breeders stake – was started as a field event in the late 1940’s. Those who were breeding bitches and wished to participate in the first trial, paid a forfeit on bitches bred after October 30, 1946. An additional forfeit was due when the puppies were whelped in 1947. The following summer (August 1948) an individual nomination was due on any pups the owners deemed were of a quality to compete in the stake. A final fee was due on those same pups just before the stake was run. After expenses were deducted, the monies were divided among the four placing dogs with 2/3 of the purse going to the owners of the winners and 1/3 going to the breeders. The first stake was held near Detroit and run in September, before the trial season began. Peg B of Loufel, owned, bred and handled by Lucien Ufford was the winner. The next couple of years the Futurity was held at Crab Orchard, IL, in conjunction with the Illinois Brittany Club’s fall trial. In 1951 it was again at Crab Orchard, but this time as part of the Nationals, where it remained (except for the 1967 Futurity) until 1974. The Futurity was strictly a field event until 1963 when Ann White inaugurated the Bench Futurity. In this event, the dogs are separated by sex into three age brackets; senior, intermediate and junior. The three class winners compete for first place; a reserve winner (second money) and a second reserve (third money) are chose in each sex. First place dog and bitch compete for the two top money spots; Best in Futurity and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Futurity. The forfeits for the bench futurity are paid in the same manner as the field forfeits. Doc’s Shotgun Popper, owned by Dr. John Schuckert, won Best in Futurity at the inaugural event. Best of Opposite Sex went to Holley Haven Marty Star. The show was judged by Jerome Halle who had also judged the first ABC Specialty Show. With the addition of a bench futurity, a Dual Award was also offered in 1963. It was to be given to the dog who placed in the field and either placed in the show against competition or was a champion at the time of the show. The first Dual Award went to Pinoak Sue owned by Dave and Mable Olund in 1963.
When the Bench Futurity began, breeders had the option of nominating their litter for either field, bench or both. In 1967 the Futurity rules were changed so that a litter nomination covered both field and bench and the choice was made by the owner at the time of the final forfeit. At about this same time, the ABC was being pressured by the AKC to make the Futurities AKC Sanctioned events. This would have had little impact on the Bench Futurity other than requiring that Futurity entries also be entered in a regular class in the Specialty Show. The Field Futurity presented a bigger problem in that it allowed the running of bitches in season, unheard of in AKC trials at that time. When it became apparent that conditions at Crab Orchard were making the running of the Nationals increasingly difficult, and with little hope of improvement, the Lake Murray Grounds at Ardmore were offered as one alternative. As a way of “checking them out” the Board of Directors voted to hold the 1967 Futurity in the Spring of 1968. At the Board Meeting held at Ardmore in February, 1968 the problems of AKC sanctioning were discussed and the Board voted to limit all participation in the Futurities to ABC members and their immediate families.
With a few simple rules and only the couple of changes mentioned earlier, the futurity prospered. The number of litters nominated, the individual forfeits paid and the number of starters increased during the 50’s and 60’s. Four of the five years from 1968 through 1972 saw entries between 102 and 129. In 1973, the first major change was made effective with the 1974 running; the futurity would be split off from the Nationals and run as three sectional events. The Eastern would encompass the East Coast and East Central Regions; the Central would be held within the Central and Midwest Regions and the Western in the West coast Region. Dogs from eligible litters could be enrolled in any or all of the Sectional Futurities at the time the final forfeit was paid. Initially the sectional futurities were kept as Fall trials, but over the years they have moved to the Spring of the year following. During the early years of the split, entries in the 50-60 range were common and the Central very often drew 70-80 dogs. In the recent past, an entry of 40 is on the high end of the scale.
In the last few years, the ABC Board has made other major changes to the Futurity program, including a National Futurity Run-off (both field and show) for Sectional winners and additional qualifying participants; adopting a “Standard of Performance”; accepting full year nominations (breeding dates October 30 through October 29; whelping dates the full calendar year following, i.e., January 1 through December 31); the addition of an individual forfeit “late penalty” and the elimination of Champions from the Dual Award point schedule.
In 1996 the Futurity Committee was asked to outline recommendations for the addition of a Gun Dog Futurity to accompany the All Age Futurity. The committee report was submitted to the ABC Board at the 1997 meeting. They approved the Gun Dog Futurity under these rules; to be run in conjunction with the All Age futurity and Bench Futurity. Judged on Gun Dog Standards and to be foot handled. It can be run consecutively or concurrently, at the host club’s discretion. The July forfeit could be paid for either All Age or Gun Dog or both. At the time of running, those that paid both field forfeits had to make the choice between All Age or Gun Dog as no dog could participate in both events at the same sectional futurity. The Gun Dog Futurity would have its run-off in conjunction with the Gun Dog Nationals. The first class of Gun Dog Futurities ran in the spring of 2000 with the run-off held at the May ABC Gun Dog Nationals.
ABC Regional Futurity Winners
All Age Winners
Year | Central | Eastern | Western |
2023 | Diamond Hill Young Sheldon | Marjo's Wreck-It Ralph | River's Crossing K Nine To The Blue Mountains |
2022 | Rajin's Buddy Boy | Ripper's Tequila Bandit | High Lonesome Owyhee Storm |
2021 | Urban American Legend | Marjo's Pineyrun Blew Genes | Hall’s K Nine Copper Kid |
2020 | Spanish Dancer | Diamond Hill Dangerous Dark Side | MVP Game On |
2019 | Sniksoh Worthy Expense | Pursuit’s Broadway Glitz | Spanish Corral's Big Iron |
2018 | Kid's Royal Casey | Sam Hill's One Wild Ryde | High Lonesome Bowden Hills |
2017 | Wichita Wild Woman | CH Turning Points Shenanigans | FC Rusty Ridge Where U Been |
2016 | Kinwashkly Single White Female | Daniel's Black Sheep | Janee’s I’m It |
2015 | Kinwashkly Copperhead Road | Wild Mtn’s Storm Warning | Janee’s I’ll Make Ya’ Famous |
2014 | Diamond Hill Dangerous Weapon | Diamond Hill Dangerous Weapon | Diamond Hill Chancey Endeaver |
2013 | Sniksoh Little Diamond | Kinwashkly Midnight Rambler | Zip's Count Me In |
2012 | JJ's Alibaster Angel | Diamond Hill Work Hard Play Harder | Ory's Doc Holiday |
2011 | Wimberley Rowdy Bo-Dandy | High Hope's Big Gamble | Spanish Corral's Sundance Kid |
2010 | Blueridge Hunter Gonna Fly | Georgia's Texas Two Step | Rocklan's Smart Alex Kid |
2008 | Gladiator's Tuck-N-Roll | Diamond Hill Dangerous Man | MVP's Redline's High Octain |
2007 | Rocklan Misty's Allie-T-Bear | Rocklan Misty's Allie-T-Bear | Breton's Heart of Gold |
2006 | Denlor's Gladiator Tipper | Sargent's Tennessee Traveler | Mega Smoke Limited Edition |
2005 | Rocklan’s Whizzle Stop | Celebration's Two of Hearts | Mega Chip |
2004 | Dixieland Magic | DeLane R American Fly Girl | Rocking RM Hanging J's Big Gun |
2003 | Country Road’s Rough Rider | Holliewood Bruiser | Lundy’s Dakota |
2002 | Tequila Dynamite | Clyde’s Micro Breeze | Shady’s Tia Maria |
2001 | Breton’s Blazin Tough Co-Dee | Ortho Acres Booker T | Shay-Dee Jake |
2000 | J.W.’s Diz Is It | Bet’n She’ll Fly | Tequila Joker’s Jose Cuervo |
Gun Dog Winners
Year | Central | Eastern | Western |
2023 | Sovereign's Top Shelf | Marjo's You're A Fine Girl | River's Crossing Sundance Finale |
2022 | Sniksoh See Spot Run | Red Sage of Seven Crowns JH | Beans Blazing Ghost |
2021 | K-Del's Eagle Magnum Hot Shot | One Shot To The Stars | TK’s Thunder Rolls Over Nashville West JH |
2020 | Caliah's Katie Crossed The Creek | urning Points One Way Or Another | CL Spanish Whizki Bender |
2019 | Turning Points Lady Of Victory | Dubois Ridge Major Maverick | MTB Colpatch Scipio's Sole |
2018 | Waypoint Deacon of the Hunt | Spring Hill’s Hail To Pitt Roxee | Kinwashkly Timberline Kestral |
2017 | Kruse’s K-nine Blaze’s Last Dance | Spring Hill’s Auld Lang Syne | Sonny's Hot Summer Breeze |
2016 | Kelly's Krazy Koby | Remchester's Premium White Lightning | Cayuse |
2015 | Rocklan’s Chasing Mtn-Aire Dreams | La Bandito Del Prado | Willowick Coal Miner’s Daughter At Alchemy |
2014 | Sunrise Whiskey Guzzler | Kinwashkly JD's Super Hero | Alder's Sophie Brook |
2013 | Wrigley's Bodemeister | Sigbrit's She's A Lady | Hideaway Red's Grace Under Fire |
2012 | Popeye La Belle | Sigbrit's Rattle My Cage | Megasmoke Moon Chip |
2011 | High Hope's Big Gamble | Finn MacCuhal | Firestorm's Mega Chip of Smoke |
2010 | Shadows In A Twist | Rosie The Terror | Mikey's Spice Girl |
2009 | Rico's Hi Proof Bootlegger | Ammo's Some Like It Hot | NNV Rebel's Blazn Lil' Miss Fire |
2008 | Chip's Tailgate Rendezvous | Marjos Irish Ledgend | Here We Go Again |
2007 | Ammo's Bugle Boy | Sniksoh Sally | Wholly Smoke |
2006 | Sigbrit's Catch Me Now | Spring Hill Poncho Del Prado | MVP Shiloh Tough Act To Follow |
2005 | Rusty Ridge WhooRey | Lane's End Frozen Asset | Wolram's Chukartown Ike |
2004 | Clyde's Eleets Sassy Kate | Delane-Rowdee's Ultimate Reign | Kelly Canyon Cruiser |
2003 | Eleets Colorado Blue | Lane’s End Nick of Time | Chalcedony’s Jasper |
2002 | Sam Hill’s Flyaway Jack Jr. | Keili’s Star Sapphire | Rustyridge Bookers Lst Fling |
2001 | Bantam’s Never Say Never | Ammo’s Uzi | Shiloh’s Blazin Mad About You |
2000 | Shady’s Whizan Pete | Misty Morning Allthatcounts | Redlines Tequila Smoker |
Show Winners
Year Central Eastern Western
2023 Cj Enchanted Tales With Belle CH Carrae's Shot Of Nitro JH WT CH Von Pfister's Just In The Nick Of Time
2022 CH Venatrix Touch of Angels Millette's Dream Hi The More You Know GCH KALA’S DON’T STOP BELIEVING
2021 CH Dogwood Hollow On Point GCHS Brigadier Shamrock All Silver Stars TK’s Thunder Rolls Over Nashville West JH
2020 Sovereign's Glitter And Grease CH Labyrinth Head Over Heels Stormking Was A Dark N Stormy Nite
2019 CH Sovereign's Orange Crush Sigbrit’s Ready To Riot Millette's That Girl Has It All
2018 GCH Sovereign's Legendary Disciple CH Labyrinth Second Chances Millette's Game Player
2017 CH Triumphant’s Absolutely Stirred Up CH Dogwood Hollow I Am The Storm Millette's Game Player
2016 Windtuck's Far From Over Triumphant's Dark Knight Black River’s Locked and Loaded
2015 Triumphant’s Chances Are Tonan-Rocklan Who’s Kiddin’ Who Millette’s Glorious
2014 Rivermist Broxden Make Mynah Double Labyrinth N Illusion Kiss My Benelli Starquest Vue's Special Edition
2013 Libertie-Copley More Mimosa? Hill's-Flashfire's Sparklin Gem Libertie-Copley More Mimosa?
2012 Hybrittin's After Midnight Wild Mtn's When You Are Hot You're Hot Powder Rivers Lights Of Paris
2011 Castle Star Spangled Banner Shamrock's Rival's Easy Rider Millette's Wonder Woman
2010 Copley Ain’t Love Grand May-Jay's Point My Way Serendipity's Northern Sky
2009 Shelttany's Against All Odds Ginjac Illusion Of Brookewood Shelttany's Against All Odds
2008 VEM Call Me Sassie Sue Diamond Hill Dangerous Man RJ's Kiss Me Kate
2007 Rao's Mr. Bo Jangles Hope's Dream Weaver Sanbar Castle Built On Legends
2006 LR's Little Devil Scirocco Del Prado Sanbar's Mustang Evening Attire
2005 Rao’s At Liberty Tonan - Hope's Rockin The Boat Almaden's River Of Shadows
2004 RJ's Talk Of The Town RJ's Talk Of The Town Lone Oak's Sovereign Delta
2003 Country Road’s Rough Rider Sanbar Call Her Unforgetable Sovereign’s Architect’s Code
2002 Mt View’s Halftime Attraction Mt View’s Halftime Attraction Loki’s Storm In The Night
2001 Sanbar’s Curtain Call Mt View’s Hollywood Hit Castle On A Cloud
2000 Ridona-Kobrae High Lilly Jacque’s Little Debbie Wyngold’s Kissin’ Kate
1999 Traillour’s Brass Monkey Knollbrook’s Tom Sawyer Splashes Country Debut
1998 Godabe Dakota Blaze Loki’s Mischief In The Night Mt’s View High Chaparral
1997 Rolyart’s Marque My Words J-Dor’s Bright Horizons Kobrae American Rose
1996 Jordean Aces High J&R’s Tazmanian Devil Rodeo’s Lucky Lady
1995 Aimee With Her Best Shot Hill’s Shadow Dancer LC’s High Flying Peter Pan
1994 Jordean New Kid In Town Ridona-Kobrae Bushwhacker Knollbrook’s Peg O My Hart
1993 Requet’s Riverglen Cricket Upland Acres Prairie Smoke Richway’s Coco Brown Fantasia
1992 Rolyart’s Smart Remarque Jaci’s Center Attraction Sunnyvale Point of Interest
1991 Jordean All Kiddin’ Aside Jordean All Kiddin’ Aside Jordean All Kiddin’ Aside
1990 Auten’s Tres Belle Tammy Restless Wings Tiki Wise Guy Jordean’s Night On The Town
Dual Winners
Year Central Eastern Western
2023 DP's Ain't Afraid To Own It Htm Gaining Altitude Cheyenne CH Von Pfister's Just In The Nick Of Time
2019 Sovereign's American Muscle Horizon's Causin 'A Commotion MTB Colpatch Scipio's Sole
2018 Sam Hill's One Wild Ryde Diamond Hill Saradac’s Tanqueray Kinwashkly Timberline Kestral
2017 Over Under’s Kick It Out Wild Mtn All Rise Sonny's Hot Summer Breeze
2016 CH Firestarter's Chasing the Sunset Shadow's Tribue To TJ Caliah Sanbar’s Floating River
2015 CH Wild Mountain Masterpiece Wild Mtn’s Storm Warning K Nine’s High Roller
2014 Diamond Hill Dangerous Weapon Diamond Hill Dangerous Weapon Alder's Sophie Brook
2013 Alder All Tundra Devil Tuktu Sigbrit's She's A Lady Copley's Red River
2012 Bulloch's Shake Rattle And Roll Diamond Hill Work Hard Play Harder Shiloh's Swift Kiss A Tag
2011 Dr. Jac's TruGritz Master Yoda O'Dee High Hopes Big Gamble Warbonnet's Orion In The Big Sky
2010 Blueridge Hunter Gonna Fly Not Awarded Shadow's Tequila Tryst
2009 Rico's Hi Proof Bootlegger Sigbrit's Lost Gem NNV Rebel's Blazn Lil' Miss Fire
2008 Warbonnet's Clever Bag O' Trix Diamond Hill Dangerous Man MTB Emme's Cabo de Scipio
2007 Ammo's Bugle Boy Not Awarded Sanbar Castle Built On Legends
2006 Odyssey's Ace Of Hearts Scirocco Del Prado I M Noble T
2005 KD's Slip And Slide Sweet Puck's Second Act Mega Chip
2004 Not Awarded Brittwood's Smoking Gun Rocking RM Hanging J's Big Gun
2003 Country Road's Rough Rider Mt. View's Alpine Lace Chalcedony's Jasper
2002 Clyde's Double Trouble Keili's Star Sapphire Rustyridge Bookers Lst Fling
2001 Bantam's Never Say Never Dark Diva of Spring Hill Wolram's Wish Upon A Star
2000 Bet'n She'll Fly Misty Morning All That Counts Hideaway Cedaridge Lucy
1999 Not Awarded Not Awarded Traveler's Reign Of Terra
1998 Not Awarded Not Awarded Lobo's Rebel Dogg
1997 Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded
1996 Poki-Dot Ru-Jem's DLD Shoplifter Not Awarded
1995 Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded
1994 Not Awarded Gamblers Ace In The Hole Not Awarded
1993 Upland Acres Prairie Smoke Upland Acres Prairie Smoke Not Awarded
1992 Not Awarded Hope's Billy White Shoes Serenade's Ammunition
1991 Not Awarded Marjo's Megabucks Not Awarded
1990 Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded