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    National Rally High In Trial

    CH Rj’s Sir William The Intrepid Bear CDX RE

    ABC National Rally Trial


    Rally was first offered at the National Specialty in 2005. The Novice A and Novice B classes, with a total of 10 Brittanys were judged by E. H. Hass. Voyageur’s Brtpatch Rifleman CDX JH MX OAP MXJ MJP owned by B. & P. Scott won the Novice B class with a perfect score. CH My Scarlet Feather STKS RN owned by S. Shrank won the Novice A class with a score of 97.

    In 2006, Rally Advanced and Excellent classes were added and L.F. Eggers judged 8 Brittanys. The first year we had Brittanys eligible for High Combined Score (Advance B and Excellent B) was in 2007. There were only two Novice B entries in 2011 and Rally was not offered at the 2012 and 2013 National Specialties. Based on scores, the Rally High Combined Dogs (2007 – 2014) were calculated from the AKC Database and are presented in the list of Winners. The ABC officially offered Rally High Combined at the National Specialty in 2015. Rally Master and High Triple (Advance B, Excellent B and Master classes) were added to the National Specialty in 2019.

    National Rally High In Trial
    Year   High In Trial Owner
    2023 CH Rj’s Sir William The Intrepid Bear CDX RE A. Harris
    2022 CH Keili’s Mystique BN RM2 RAE2 AX MXJ MXF BCAT RATO CGC E. Drazek
    2021 GCH RACH Brookewood’s Just Give Me A Chance CDX BN RM5 OA AXJ OF CAA BCAT CGC TKI C. Miller/K. Brown/R. Walborn
    2020 CH Brookewood’s Just Give Me A Chance CD BN RM2 RAE2 NF CAA CGC TKI C. Miller/K. Brown/R. Walborn
    2019 CH Brookewood’s Just Give Me A Chance CD BN RE TKI CAA CGC C. Miller/K. Brown/R. Walborn
    2018 GCH Twoemz A Girl Like Me CD BN RE NA NAP NJP OAJ CAA CGC C. Miller/R. Walborn/K. Brown
    2017 GCH MACH3 Brookewood’s Just Too Hot UD RAE MXF T2B2 MJB2 E. Drazek/C. Miller
    2016 GCH CH MACH Brookewood’s Just Too Hot CDX RA MXS MJS XF T2B E. Drazek/C. Miller
    2015 GCH MACH Brookewood’s Just Too Hot UD RE MXS MJG MXF T2B E. Drazek/C. Miller
    2014 DC Sunquest’s Marsport Manhattan CD RAE3 RATO CGCA H. & L. Hartnek
    2010 CH Magic Story Of The Century M. Martin/N. Otterson
    2009 Maggie Mae Brown RE E. Alsabrook
    2008 Genevas Lady Holly CD RAE S. Davis
    2007 Kylee’s Angel CD RE NA M. Martin

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